There are people (well, there's one particular person using an RSS#
Wed, 31 Dec 2003 14:26:29 +0000
There are people (well, there's one particular person using an RSS
aggregator called rawdog) grabbing the rss feed for my rambles
every twenty minutes. Right through the night, too. Which
seems a trifle excessive to me, but hey, it's getting a 304 every
time, so no big deal.
Means I probably should tweak the Analog configuration, though, if I want its lovely statistics to
be at all meaningful.
I see that LWN has got its predictions for what happens to Linux in#
Wed, 31 Dec 2003 16:56:22 +0000
I see that LWN has got its predictions for what happens to Linux in
2004 up. Inspired by that, I'm going to make some predictions of my
own about Lisp in 2004
- 2004 will not be the "Year of Lisp". When was the Year of
Linux? The Year of the Internet? The Year of the LAN (remember that
one?) Exactly. 2004 will be the year that some number of people
suddenly realise they can use Lisp to solve their problems, and it
will be a bigger number than had the same realisation last year, and
2005 will have more still. But that doesn't make either (any) of them the
Year of Lisp.
- SBCL will get callback support, and threads on some non-x86
platform (most likely PPC). It's kind of cheating for me to make
SBCL predictions, though, so expect more when I've talked to
Christophe and we've decided what we want to do.
- Sometime after it gets its CVS repository back on the net, CMUCL
will release 19a, which will have approximately what the current CMUCL
CVS versions have in them. The CMUCL project suffers hosting problems
on an approximately two-yearly basis, so will not seriously drop off
the net again until 2005.
- Gary Byers will tire of the low takeup of OpenMCL 0.14
pre-releases and will label it an official release so that users
actually get it and start beating on the native threads support
seriously. No major problems will result.
- SLIME will replace ILISP as the "default" emacs interface for
free Lisps. It will gain thread support.
- MCCLIM will progress from its current status as the project that
everyone admires and nobody actually uses, to a new position as a
project that everyone installs to play with the Listener, but doesn't
then use for anything serious. This will not change until a real
application (probably Maxima) is released that depends on it. Lots of
talking and approximately no hacking will be done on a CLIM-based
editor/IDE, and a CLIM Gtk backend.
- A "major" Linux distribution (i.e. Red Hat or SUSE) will follow
the lead set by Debian, Gentoo and Slackware, and put a decent
general-purpose CL system (CMUCL or SBCL) into their distribution
- They'll screw it up by having someone do it who doesn't actually
use Lisp, so it'll be (a) an old version, (b) a brand-new
release which is missing the rushed post-release patches that actually
make it work, (c) compiled with really dumb compilation options (SBCL
without threads, or CMUCL with incorrect source paths, or similar), or
(d) missing bits (like the FreeBSD SBCL port has no contrib).
Maintainers of whichever CL it is will bemoan the fact that the distro
fouled it up so badly. The distro hacker will claim that he asked for
advice on IRC/usenet but everyone was too busy arguing about politics
and/or Norway to give him an answer. People will look back through
Dejanews or the IRC logs and find his question, which was written at
the end of a 16 hour day wrestling with some out-of-date tarball from
Sunsite and started with "Why is this stuff all so totally
undocumented, broken, and completely fucking incomprehensible. Lisp
sucks" and escalated from there. Everyone will take sides. A bug
will be reported in the vendor's bug reporting system, which will be
closed with the tag 'WONTFIX' or local equivalent.
(Note: it doesn't have to go that way. Red Hat and SUSE
hackers are warmly invited to introduce themselves as such on the
relevant development lists and ask for packaging advice. We're
friendly enough if we don't think we're being trolled, and it's in all
our interests to get decent quality packages into the major
- comp.lang.lisp will become still more offtopic and still less
useful. At least one defender of proprietary Lisp development and one
prominent free Lisp hacker will blow up loudly and publicly and swear
that he is leaving {cll, usenet, Lisp, software} forever. Nobody will
believe him, though many will claim to.
(Hmm. How public have I been about my departure from cll? I
expect it's temporary until I get broadband sorted out again, but
after an hour playing with Dejanews yesterday I have to admit I'm not
missing it much. But it's still 6 hours before 2004 as I write
this, so you should probably look for another free Lisp hacker anyway)
- Peter Siebel's book will be released, making many people happy
and me jealous.
- Sourceforge will suffer some major and long-term screwage,
affecting many free Lisp projects. By the time it returns to normal
- SBCL and ECL will have moved elsewhere
- CCLAN as a brand name will have been largely forgotten, but asdf
and asdf-install will be moved to
- ILISP probably won't have noticed.
- I haven't heard anything about ILC 2004 yet; I don't know what
the plans are. I do know that Ray de Lacaze did an absolute ton of
work last year and I was sorry to miss it. Whether ILC happens or
not this year, I predict more Lisp presence at other conferences,
including LSM/RMLL, UKUUG, LinuxTAG etc.
- Probable vapourware in 2004: CL-Emacs (unless Gilbert resurfaces
or Luke Gorrie gets into it), productized cirCLe, an SMTP server with
Bayesian spam filtering, another LispOS and another attempt at a c.l.l
I don't know if this is something that Livejournal users can tell#
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 00:41:00 +0000
I don't know if this is something that Livejournal users can tell
already for themselves, but just in case it's useful: I see in my referrer
log. If this helps you with "friends lists" or however that stuff
works, please feel free.
Remember what I said before#
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 15:32:27 +0000
Remember what I said before
Christmas about GC frobbing? With the new simpler region allocation
policy described there, but no changes to static space usage :
- (time (dotimes (i 400) (gc)))
Evaluation took:
30.413 seconds of real time
30.354383 seconds of user run time
0.058991 seconds of system run time
0 page faults and
4939776 bytes consed.
and in fact we can easily double that again by disabling the check for
read-only objects and dumping everything in static space, so it
looks like the write barrier stuff does make a difference. So why is
CMUCL doing in 13 seconds what takes us 30 (the easy answer is "it has
a better object/region allocation policy", obviously, but better why?)
and how much faster would it be if it were also to remove
In happier news, while thinking about tidying up today I found a
Brian Aldiss novel I apparently haven't read yet.
I lied#
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 21:09:25 +0000
I lied. Well, I was mistaken: in the course of tidying up purify so
that I might understand it, I managed to break it. !(a &&
!b) is not, De Morgan will happily tell you, the same
thing as (!a && b). Doh. I was copying a whole bunch of
stuff (constant boxed vectors, or possibly unboxed inconstant vectors)
to static space that should have been happy in read-only space. So
static space was up to 9.5Mb from its normal 5, hence the extra time
spent checking it. If it takes an approximate extra 10s to GC when
there's an extra 5Mb of static space to check, this also goes some way
to explain why CMUCL is faster: in 18e it only has 2.5Mb of static
space, so that's 5s off the GC time, leading us to predict that it
should take about 15s. It's actually a bit under (13s) but that's
only a couple of seconds still to claw back, then.
All times are to execute (time (dotimes (i 400) (gc)))
For a change I decided to google "dan_b" instead of some other#
Fri, 02 Jan 2004 00:19:43 +0000
For a change I decided to google "dan_b" instead of some other
variation on my name, and stumbled across (among other things) an
irc log from 1998
<lilo> it seems to me we do this for the fun of it, and for things we can use
<esr> lilo, I don't play politics and I don't spend *any* time trying to tear down or disband anybody else. I wish
everybody would realises that that shit is a waste of time.
<lilo> some of us definitely do :)
I remember watching this at the time. I don't remember if it was
before or after VA, but I'm guessing it was before.
More RSS fun#
Fri, 02 Jan 2004 11:54:46 +0000
More RSS fun. Apparently weblog rss feeds should have items in
reverse chronological order, just like the weblogs they syndicate.
So, I switched mine around. Also added the first sentence of each
item as the item title: this will fall down in cases where my rather
poor heuristics for detecting sentences, or in entries where my
inverted pyramid has overbalanced. Apologies to anyone using an RSS
client which will therefore decide that these are all brand new
entries and make them read all my old entries again.
If anyone would like to recommend a GUI RSS aggregator for Linux
that's not (a) Straw, or (b) Emacs-based, please feel free. There's
nothing particularly wrong with Straw, but I worry whether the
debugging messages it spits out from time to time are caused by
problems with it or problems with my rss.
I have just come back from my first rollerblading in three years or#
Sat, 03 Jan 2004 02:22:36 +0000
I have just come back from my first rollerblading in three years or
so. It was more fun than I remembered, and obviously not as
difficult: I only fell over once, which evasive manoeuvre was more or
less planned, and involved comparatively* little loss of
skin. Oxford may not have a worthwhile Hyde Park equivalent, but it
still has more smooth pavement than I'd realised.
OK, you'd rather have heard about some kind of low-level SBCL
hacking or something. Bad luck.
*compared to, say, last Sunday morning, when I fell over
- sober, which is more than I am now - while showering, and cut my
head on the corner of the towel rail.
Hello world#
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 01:36:52 +0000
Hello world
... hello trees, hello flowers, hello sky ...
The novelty of being back on the internet has still not entirely#
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:52:42 +0000
The novelty of being back on the internet has still not entirely
I am working on a 64
bit SBCL for the AMD64 (formerly x86-64, née Hammer)
architecture. So far it makes it successfully through make-host-1
(the cross-compiler) and make-target-1 (the runtime), and all the
offsets and suchlike that genesis spits out look correct - all the
ones I've checked, at least. Before anyone gets too excited, though,
it is without question utterly broken in several important ways: not
least that I haven't taught it how to generate code for the 64 bit
registers, or taught gencgc about all the interesting new types and widths
I can't help feeling it would be nice if something could be
automated to dig the information that gencgc needs from Lisp.
TODO list as soon as I take a break from this:
- cliki index bug
- stargreen behaviour-under-load frobbing
- get version-control archive thingies for araneida/cliki "out
there" so that next time my connectivity goes away it doesn't stop
other people from hacking on them. This may involve learning
arch, if its replicated repository stuff means that I get to
hack on them too in such circumstances.
Some progress on AMD64: the cross-compiler has managed to#
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:58:48 +0000
Some progress on AMD64: the cross-compiler has managed to
cross-compile something
; compiling file "/opt/home/dan/src/sourceforge/sbcl/src/code/show.lisp" (written 02 OCT 2002 06:09:17 AM):
; compiling top level form:
; compiling function SB!INT::CANNOT-/SHOW:
; recognizing DEFUN CANNOT-/SHOW
; compiling top level form:
; compiling top level form:
; compiling DEFMACRO /SHOW:
; compiling top level form:
The code that it's generating is, I have no doubt, seriously bogus,
but hey
At that point it fails with
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread 27960:
failed AVER: "(NOT (EQ SIZE QWORD))"
which comes from the MOV case for big immediate constants which checks
they're not 64 bit immediate constants - seems that at leastg one of
them is. On the basis of the bits of amd64 manual I've read so far it
seems that I can only load a 64 bit constant into rax and not into any
other register, which is a shame, because the backtrace says it wanted
to use rbx. Perhaps it's bedtime.
<rtoy3> It compiles! Ship it!
I'm shortly going to be a normal person again#
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:13:57 +0000
I'm shortly going to be a normal person again. On the sofa next to me
is a written offer letter from in which they describe a
money-making scheme requiring only 40 hours of my time each week in
exchange for which they will transfer funds directly into my bank
account once a month. Which seems like a pretty neat idea compared to
the more usual "do some work, invoice for it, wait a month, phone
customer to enquire whereabouts of cheque, wait two weeks, pay cheque
into bank" arrangement, and I wonder if it will catch on more widely.
Answers to FAQ: (1) in London. Yes, I probably will move back
there. (2) A certain amount of trepidation, but flexitime makes it
not so bad, and I can use chemical crutches in the form of unlimited
free coffee to cushion the blow. (3) AFAICS the contract doesn't
allow it, although it's hard to tell how some of the clauses group:
it's written in legal English and there are no commas anywhere.
Perhaps it only forbids moonlighting when the business is "competing
or tending to compete with the Business of the Company"