Cool URL of the Day: In Pursuit of Simplicity: the manuscripts of Edsger W#
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 14:05:56 +0000
Cool URL of the Day: In Pursuit of Simplicity: the manuscripts of Edsger W. Dijkstra
They're scanned PDFs, of a somewhat ropey quality: readable at 1.4
magnification, though
Today is random asides day#
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 23:47:22 +0000
Today is random asides day
On Living with Packages
- don't ever use common-lisp-user for anything bigger than a
noddy two-line test function. Anything important enough to get saved
in a source file is important enough to set up a package for.
- define your package(s) using defpackage forms. I usually put
these in their own source files, too.
- every file starts with an (in-package :package-name) form -
except the file with the defpackage form, anyway
- make sure you load the files containing the defpackage forms before any
of the other files
- use-package, import or any of the other
"imperative" package stuff is, like the use of eval, generally
an indication that you're doing something wrong. Not always, no.
- a defsystem utility (e.g. mk-defsystem or - my preference - asdf) will automate the
loading-stuff-in-the-right-order aspect
On being ill
Well, slightly under the weather at least. This weekend I had a
wedding (not my own, no), a barbecue, a party and a nose full of
microwaved cotton wool. Last Friday I had an all-afternoon wish to
lie down and sleep unobtrusively in the middle of the carpet, which I
now realise was probably early cold symptoms, plus a bunch of scary
disk error messages from my colo box (Rackspace fitted a new disk,
upgrading the OS version while they were at it, then I just had to
reinstall all the locally-changed stuff), plus an evening in the pub.
This is all in the nature of an excuse for not having done much
hacking lately.
On naming
What really wasn't helping too much is that I'd originally set out
at the start of the week to add some form of access control to the
CLiki application (the CLiki
site will stay as it is, but there are lots of other applications I'm
imagining for which it would be better to know who the users are and
whether they're Allowed), realised that the handler system for Araneida is suckier
than it really wants to be for these kinds of application, and ended
up redesigning large parts of it. And now I've created a new class
called handler, I find that I want to introduce lots of new GFs
whose names clash with existing Araneida functions. So perhaps this
is time for a name change. Nobody appears to have produced http
serving software called Boris yet, which is a pretty compelling reason
in itself.
Anyway, we've got to a state where it basically runs again, so
maybe we can get this wrapped up in time for Thursday
We have working CLiki again#
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 03:13:51 +0000
We have working CLiki again! Well, at least, all the bits I've
checked so far are working again: it's not exactly been tested
exhaustively yet.
I got sidetracked halfway through the afternoon staring at my four
or five new GFs and thinking "hmm, why don't I use
define-method-combination" until I realised that "because it provides
no advantage that I can reasonably easily envisage and I do want to
actually get this finished one day" was in fact the Correct
(For the avoidance of doubt, GF in this context stands for Generic
Function. If I had four or five new girlfriends I'd ... well, for a
start I'd remember whether I had four or five)
Whitespace sensitivity is cool#
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 14:13:47 +0000
Whitespace sensitivity is cool
For some reason I've started reading and contributing to Ward's Wiki a lot
more lately. When I was first doing Wiki I was mostly using Netscape
4, which gives you some idea of how long ago it was, because I can't
actually remember when was the last time I used Netscape 4.
Mozilla rocks.
But, anyway, well. Except for this bit. "This bit" is that wiki
has Text
Formatting Rules which demand a variety of keyboard gymnastics,
not least among them that various formatting (UL lists, BLOCKQUOTE,
PRE etc) demands the insertion of a literal TAB (ASCII 007) character.
Pressing TAB in a Mozilla text field, though, makes it go to the next
text field instead of inserting anything, ^V doesn't seem to do the
conventional readline "insert next character as literal" thing, and
the conventional Emacs "insert next key as literal character" thing -
don't press that
. Without prompting
to do anything with the four paragraphs you just typed, either ...
So, I cut and paste from my scratch buffer, which is silly but
just about livable. But, this is wrong. This is Free Software. Even
if I will probably never ever myself actually write code for a
project in which the majority of a 45 minute "how to hack on $project"
talk is given over to a description of getting reference counting
right, I can at least file a bug report. Or at least, read the
bug report that someone must already have opened on this subject and
see if there's some way to do it already that I'm missing. Well, they
did, and there isn't. Bug 29086,
has been open for more than two years, and attracted so much argument
that it's over 100k long as viewed by lynx -dump
Lessons we can learn:
- There is - or should be - an analogue of Godwin's Law which
substitutes "recommend the introduction of a configuration option" for
"compare your opponent to Hitler"
- I should add mpt's
weblog to my usual reading list instead of stumbling across it
once a month
- Whitespace sensitivity is a Bad Thing. Let's just remind
ourselves of that once again
(Yes, I know there's a workaround
in Wiki, but it's heuristic and doesn't seem to do too great a job)
Of course, the Wiki markup rules started life as simple things,#
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 15:08:59 +0000
Of course, the Wiki markup rules started life as simple things,
and it wasn't until later that people realised they could do things
like typing indented-but-not-preformatted text by typing TAB : SPACE
TAB at the start of the line (and possibly also typing the entire
paragraph on one line; I forget whether it makes a difference in that
specific instance. it does for italics, though)
This reminds me of some other software I've been using recently
that starts out with a simple set of rules which combine in
dizzyingly unpredictable ways to do things you would never have
dreamed sensible. I'm talking about spamassassin here, of course.
I've never been entirely clear, it must be admitted, on how best
to use all the weird gnus options to keep copies of outgoing mail, and
eventually came to the conclusion that the simplest answer would be to
Bcc it all to myself. This has the neat advantage that I can then
use gnus splitting to filter incoming mail to some regular correspondent
into the same folder as mail from said correspondent, and then
I have both sides of the conversation in the same place. It has the
(fairly innocuous) side-effect, though, that my outgoing mail loops
through spamassassin before coming back to me, so I get to see
how spammy my mail looks. Well, look at this
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-98.4 required=5.0
body Standard signature delimiter present SIGNATURE_DELIM 0.488
A positive score for a signature delimiter? "- - SPACE
\n", so rarely correctly implemented that it became favoured all over
Usenet as the choice "get a real news reader" stick with which to beat
Outlook users (and another great example of why whitespace sensitivity
is a dumb idea, fwiw) is now suddenly an indication that the mail was
sent from some bulk mailing program that injects fake unparseable
received headers, has the wrong system date, and probably still thinks
X-UIDL is a header that should be provided by the sending host? I
find this not entirely plausible.
From conversations on IRC, I understand that the actual scores for
each rule are computed by feeding a large pile of known-spam and
another large pile of known-nonspam into a genetic algorithm and
letting it work them out. This sounds like really great news for the
stability of weights on each rule ...
I wish I could find my neural networks book. It was possibly the
most boring book ever written about what should be an interesting
subject, but I desperately want to be able to liken spamassassin to a
neural network with only one neuron after the kind of particularly
vicious overtraining that should have the owner in court on animal
cruelty grounds, and I really could do with a reliable source to tell
me whether it's a remotely fair comparison.
<dan-b> roll on, version control systems that allow directory renaming#
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 02:55:36 +0000
<dan-b> roll on, version control systems that allow directory renaming
<dan-b> this whole thing with having to pick a name before starting work really sucks
entomotomy, Zool. the science of the dissection of insects to ascertain their structure, insect anatomy.
I'm sitting on a train, going to London#
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 10:45:33 +0000
I'm sitting on a train, going to London. I don't actually want to go
to London. I want to go to Didcot - not per se, I add hastily,
but as the first target in a plan that subsequently involves boarding
another train that will take me to Bristol. I joined this train under
the impression that it also wanted to go to Didcot. Either I got the
train destination wrong, or some other body (Railtrack, Network Rail,
Oxford station managers, Thames Trains, the driver - it's hard to tell
who's responsbile these days) did - but the Railtrack web and wap
sites both agree with me, and the information screens at the station
likewise. Bum.
Train number two, then#
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 12:27:22 +0000
Train number two, then. The two ticket inspectors who've looked at my
ticket so far have not commented on the bit that says "Route: NOT
READING". Perhaps that only restricts people who get off at
Reading: I've now been through said station twice, in opposite
directions, but have remained on the train. Or perhaps they could
sense I was looking to start an argument and wisely didn't comment.
Well, at least I'm here, and in a talk#
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 15:56:37 +0000
Well, at least I'm here, and in a talk ...
Wireless networking aside: the university has wireless access, but ...
First you get a username and password from the registration desk.
Then you wrestle with it.
- apt-get install pppoe pptp-linux
- vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
edit "user", remove lcp-echo stuff (the network is slow enough that
you won't want to drop your connection every time it lags a bit),
remove defaultroute option
- pon dsl-provider
Bum. authentication isn't happening
- vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
- vi /etc/ppp/peers/chap-secrets
- pon dsl-provider
aha, that's better
- cat > /etc/ppp/peers/pptp
user Gwxd962wRa
- route add -host gw
- pptp call pptp
A half hour wasted by spamassassin#
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 15:44:13 +0000
A half hour wasted by spamassassin. I reattached to the
wireless lan when I got here this morning, ran fetchmail, and watched
my computer eat all its swap and drive the load average to something
above 40 trying to start 70 copies of spamassassin. It's really time
I sorted some kind of daemon-based approach; in the meantime I just
disabled the thing. Perhaps I should replace it with some elisp/gnus
stuff that I can actually trust.
A PHP talk: "Using PHP for large web sites". Can be
summarised as "PHP is too evil to use for large web sites" (slightly
longer summary: "PHP is far too evil to use for large web
sites), but was more entertaining in the long form. It was gratifying
to have my uninformed three-hours-reading-the-docco opinions on PHP
confirmed by someone who has actually used it in anger.
A Bugzilla talk: how to write a scalable featured
database-backed bug tracking and management system.
- 150000 bugs (120000 dead)
- 50k users (15k active)
- >2Gb of data
Not that I think any of these are going to be requirements for
Entomotomy in the near future, but we can hope.
They also have serious problems with low-quality bug reports, and
a lot of their development (the UNCONFIRMED status, voting on bugs,
etc) has been driven by the need to manage this. Hope this won't be
our problem either in the near term.
Out-of-context quote of the day: "Bugzilla is a very forked project"
Bug 12411: Mozilla does not have a kitchen sink (look at the attachments)
An RT talk: RT is an insanely customizable ticket tracking
system. But then, it's written in Perl, which (when done right) is
almost sufficient to get you both of "customizable" and "insane" For
Zope 3. You thought Zope was a web application server, but
actually it's an "Operating System for the Network". I found the
combination of buzzwords, warmth in the lecture theatre, and XML-like
code in the slides to be unfortunately soporific, but as my network
doesn't actually need an operating system I thought I'd not be
missing anything earth-shattering if I slipped out early.
glibc 2.3: the existing C library locale model is inadequate#
Sun, 07 Jul 2002 10:09:46 +0000
glibc 2.3: the existing C library locale model is inadequate
for threaded applications. I can believe this but I'm not sure I see
why the POSIX locale model is worth caring about anyway. The current
thread-local storage API is ugly, so 2.3 introduces a new
thread keyword to C, which has the same approximate syntax
as register or static. And people are using
internal symbols (setfpucw, anyone?) and geting broken by
it on glibc upgrades, so from now on all the internal symbols are
marked with the version GLIBCPRIVATE.
Two years after I first started hacking on CMUCLish stuff, I still#
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:42:10 +0000
Two years after I first started hacking on CMUCLish stuff, I still
don't understand the CMUCL compilation procedure.
(Actually I don't understand a lot of the SBCL compilation procedure
either, but that's ok, because I don't need to - it Just Works (tm))
Eric Marsden is about to tell us all how it works. Once he manages to
get the projector working with his Powerbook, anyway.
I've been lax updating this thing given the amount of stuff I#
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 15:09:22 +0000
I've been lax updating this thing given the amount of stuff I
potentially could have been saying in it lately. So, where are we?
We are at the Libre Software Meeting
2002, in the Very
high-level languages for writing applications topic. The
rationale here, according to the programme - look, if you would only
go and read the programme, it would save me from having to paraphrase
it like this - is that the kernel is done, so now we need to write
applications, and we need these very high-level languages if we're
going to finish the job in timescales that the human brain can relate
to. Just ask any Mozilla developer.
In fact (as you can reasonably infer from the schedule) it's all a
thinly-veiled plot to get many free Common Lisp developers together in
the same place. Works For Me. So we've spent the last few days
discussing things like garbage collection, coping with special (a.k.a
dynamically-bound) variables during multithreading, packaging, bug
tracking, etc etc). And, as is often the case where two or more lisp
implementors are gathered in the same room, the very high-level
languages we've actually ended up using are C and x86
assembler. Yeah. Um. Christophe is sitting next to me working on
floating point trap handling (see also the previous
attempts to tackle this), Eric Marsden was - until an hour ago
when he went to catch his train - poring over trace files to figure
out why his CMUCL "small" images no longer worked, and I am watching
SBCL build with a new design of non-invasive stack overflow handling.
Currently it can non-invasively detect stack overflow, but it can't
actually recover from same, which makes it a bit useless.
Cargo cult programming is not a sane or sensible way to write x86
assembler glue.
And we've had some talks too, of which more some other time.
More on control stack exhaustion detection, then, seeing as it pretty#
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 14:07:23 +0000
More on control stack exhaustion detection, then, seeing as it pretty
much works.
The goal is that when a (probably newbie) user evaluates an
infinitely recursive function, we handle it safely instead of just
running out of space for our stack frames and crashing. In current
SBCL releases we do this by insterting a call to
%detect-stack-exhaustion at the start of each lambda in safe
code, but that tends to increase the code size (internally, lambdas
are used all over the place), and it's not very fast, and it doesn't
work at all (it's turned off) when optimization qualities are set to
prefer speed to safety.
So, why don't we do it by protecting a page near the end of the
control stack and inserting another clause into the SIGSEGV handler
that notices this, presents the user with an error message and lets
them abort the computation. Sounds simple.
- In the first attempt, I forgot that the control stack on x86
grows downwards not upwards: protecting the top of the stack
made for a really short-lived program. Clearly I have been hacking Alpha
and PPC for
too long almost long enough. - The second version fixed that, but the other weirdness in the x86
port is that the Lisp control stack uses the C stack pointer (there
being a lack of registers on an x86 to keep pointers in, they decided
to make %esp, %ebp do both). So, signal handler stack frames are also
created on this stack. When we hit the guard page we get an infinite
SIGSEGV recursion, because the kernel's trying to put sigcontext and
siginfo structs onto the page to call our handler, and the page is
still protected
- So, sigaltstack() seems like a good thing. All we need do is
allocate a few pages somewhere else and make SIGSEGV handlers use it.
Then, as our handler calls back into Lisp to give the user his aborts
(this is scarily non-POSIX behaviour, but it works on all interesting
platforms anyway), we'd better detect this unusual situation in the
assembly glue that translates between C and Lisp calling conventions,
and fix up the stack pointer to be pointing back into the usual Lisp
control stack. After several attempts to write this without any
knowledge whatsoever of x86 assembler (it turns out that jbe
is "jump if below or equal", not "jump if bigger or equal") we
actually have a Lisp that will detect when the stack overflows and
drop the user into the debugger. Note for later: it would be wise if
the error message cautioned him not to ask for a backtrace without
limiting the number of frames printed. Ahem.
- Recovery is still a problem: it seems that stack unwinding wants
to read the guard page. We fix this by changing the protection to
protect against write only. Then we need to find somewhere sensible
to re-enable the guard page: the 'ABORT' restart looks like a good
place to do this. Then we need to disable the previous
manually-performed stack checking, because it's getting in the way.
Time for another full rebuild just to make sure it's really gone.
- Then, I think, we're pretty much there except for cleaning the
patch up and defining some meaningful names in parms.lisp to replace
the ickier magic numbers we've used. Purely to complicate the issue,
the magic SIGSTKSZ (to which choice of name all I can say is
ENOVWLS) is defined in <signal.h>, which file
cannot be included in x86-assem.S, so we have to write a
small C program to grab its value and print it out to a file that
can be #included in assembler.
Oh Intel, we love you.
So why am I telling you all this? I don't know, but I felt I had
to tell someone.
In other news, CLIM rocks#
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 16:42:25 +0000
In other news, CLIM rocks.
Control stack exhaustion is still in a state of "pretty much"#
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:31:04 +0000
Control stack exhaustion is still in a state of "pretty much"
(i.e. "not") working. This past weekend was more or less the deadline
for commits for the next SBCL release (0.7.6) so I thought I had
better try it on something other than an x86 Linux box. First step,
the Alpha. That worked OK, so, FreeBSDeers, prepare for battle.
(Why FreeBSD? There's one in the sourceforge build farm. The
sourceforge build farm is sucky in entirely numerable ways, but at
least it's there).
First hurdle: it uses SIGBUS instead of SIGSEGV for writes on
unmapped pages. That's easy enough. Second problem, some screwup
with overlapping mmaps that really ought not to (defining a signal
stack in the middle of the dynamic space is bad, ok?). Third problem:
the second time you hit the guard page, you get a SIGBUS
followed immediately (before the sigbus handler runs, even) by a
SIGILL. I don't know why.
Funniest URL of the day: this bit from the
FreeBSD Developer's Handbook.
While a typical Windows application is attempting to do everything
imaginable (and is, therefore, riddled with bugs), a typical Unix
program does only one thing, and it does it well.
Sure. So I imagined cat -s and ls -C, or are they
not typical Unix programs?
In the Olden Days when I was writing FTX13, I used periodically to#
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 12:00:14 +0000
In the Olden Days when I was writing FTX13, I used periodically to
report on new versions of LISA, a production rule system for Common Lisp. As with so much
of the other stuff that went into FTX13 I'd never actually downloaded
it to try for myself, so these reports tended just to recycle whatever
the project release notes said. The accrued boredom and low-level guilt
from doing this over a six month period was one of the factors in
giving up FTX13.
So, there's a new version of LISA out today (1.3), and I
still haven't looked at it, and i still feel vaguely uneasy
about this. Anyway, you can probably determine whether it's useful
for you: see e.g. mab-clos.lisp
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 17:29:52 +0000
The FreeBSD problem was that it really didn't like us fixing up the
stack pointer (to swap back to the normal control stack) by hand in
assembly: when it's about to call the signal handler on subsequent
occasions, it seems to remember that it's still on the alternate stack
- note if you will that we aren't actually ever returning from the
signal handler, we're just calling into lisp and letting lisp unwind
past it. I assume it's storing the running-on-external-stack-p
property somewhere instead of just comparing the stack pointer with the
bounds of the alternate stack.
Either we fix this somehow, probably involving the perusal of
FreeBSD kernel sources, or we think of a new approach. The latter
sounds tempting ...
Here's how to do it, then.
- In the signal handler, fake a control stack frame in much the
same way as fakeforeignfunction_call - the function that prepares us
for calling into Lisp after a signal is received - would have done.
This is actually a no-op on x86 anyway.
- Frob the PC in the signal context, plus sundry other registers to
make it look plausible, so that the signal handler "returns" to our
error-raising function. This is the lovely piece of code
&(((struct simple_fun *)
*os_context_pc_addr(context)= function;
- Amazingly, this works. And it lets us delete all that awful x86
assembler, which pleases me no end as I feared that I'd be stuck
answering questions when it turned out to be buggy.
Patch going to sbcl-devel mailing list and/or being committed (I'll
decide which after I've read it again and formed an opinion on the
essential/accidental grottiness ratio)
ICanCAD is a GPLed#
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 21:33:26 +0000
ICanCAD is a GPLed
CAD editor for analog(ue) and mixed-mode signals. It's built using
Allegro CL and their CLIM, which unfortunately makes it difficult for
anyone else to hack on it unless they have the full Allegro system -
CLIM doesn't come with the eval version. But you can download the
ICanCAD Linux/x86 binary and play with it for yourself, which makes it
kind of rare as CLIM apps go. Requires Motif 2, which is in Debian -
albeit in non-free. Here's a completely
unattractive screenshot of ten minutes wild flailing around.
What was it I said the other day? Oh, yeah, ``CLIM Rocks''. Well, um. it could
rock even harder if they didn't all want to use that ugly Courier font
all the time. Does Not Make For Pretty Pictures. Contrast with, say,
Closure (that's from McCLIM, probably quite a recent snapshot of)
and you'll see what I mean. Come on guys, give us stuff we can make
SBCL 0.7.6 is out, doesn't include my stack checking fixes. SBCL is in CVS, and does. And I even built it on PPC to check they
work there too.
I've just spent the last hour reading the SBCL generational garbage#
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:26:46 +0000
I've just spent the last hour reading the SBCL generational garbage
collector in Borders' cafe, while thinking "I'm getting remarkably
good battery life here". Too late I realise that I'm looking at the
wrong percentage figure in the emacs mode line - that 91% is a measure
of how much I've read, not how many of the electicity beans I've
retained. That would be 42%. Doh
Aforementioned cafe hacking was in Borders on Oxford St (in London),#
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 16:37:46 +0000
Aforementioned cafe hacking was in Borders on Oxford St (in London),
after a shorter-than-expected meeting with the accountant. After
finishing my battery and my orange juice (and confirming that
both of my wireless cards work, insofar as the ability to find the
access point for some random local wireless network denotes
workingness) I went off in search of electricity.
Twenty minutes later I was accosted by an employee who told me that
I couldn't plug that in there. She was perfectly polite about it, and
maybe it is official policy there, but it seems kind of an odd policy
when so many other places (airports, train stations, even the train I
took to London) either tolerate or encourage it. Oh well.
So I came home instead.
While we are on this subject, this kernel change on the sourceforge#
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 17:54:28 +0000
While we are on this subject, this kernel change on the sourceforge
machine meant that I had to transfer my ppc testing laboratory to Dan's
iMac. And I found another nasty surprise waiting for me there. On the SF
RS/6000 PPC, the floating point modifications worked as expected, giving
the right kind of exceptions in the right circumstances. On Dan's iMac:
* (/ 1.0 0.0)
1.0 ; should signal DIVIDE-BY-ZERO
(Christophe's email to sbcl-devel).
So, somehow, I got nominated to look at it.
I haven't actually fixed it yet. The immediate problem is
that it's not sufficient to twiddle the FPSCR to enable floating
point traps: you also have to set two bits in MSR (which,
incidentally, you can't directly, as it's a privileged register).
That's not actually a major problem, because there's a neato glibc
function called feenableexcept() that does this (strace
suggests that it works by installing a signal handler for SIGUSR1 that
frobs the on-stack MSR, then doing kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1)).
What is a major problem is getting it to stay set, because it
gets reset in signal handlers, and restored when the handler returns -
which punts us back into last week's problem, that half of the time,
we don't return from said handlers in any conventional kind of way.
Um. More
details here