New Years Ruminations#
Fri, 01 Jan 2021 16:13:10 +0000
2021 will be, I assert confidently, the year I get NixWRT running on my internet gateway at home. A short list of the yaks I need to shave to get there, which you will note is a lot more concrete at the front end than the back:
- swarm: test harness for event system
- swarm: a well-tested event system :-)
- swarm: anything else that needs doing
- see if swarm can implement the existing service abstraction (can it plugin to replace monit?), do whatever necessary if it can't
- dnsmasq
- routing and firewalling (and NAT for IPv4)
- ntp
- bonus points: a better story for firmware upgrades
- bonus points: external "secrets" config so passwords aren't baked in