diary at Telent Netowrks

Here's something you don't often see: visible forward progress in SBCL AMD64#

Sun, 13 Jun 2004 01:10:36 +0000

Here's something you don't often see: visible forward progress in SBCL AMD64

/setting up CL-PACKAGE and KEYWORD-PACKAGE /about to MAKUNBOUND !INITIAL-SYMBOLS /about to MAKE-PACKAGE COMMON-LISP-USER /about to do !DEFERRED-USE-PACKAGES /about to SETQ IN-PACKAGE-INIT /done with !PACKAGE-COLD-INIT /about to SHOW-AND-CALL !GLOBALDB-COLD-INIT !GLOBALDB-COLD-INIT /early in globaldb.lisp cold init /before initialization of INFO hash cache /clearing INFO hash cache /done clearing INFO hash cache /done setting INFO-ENVIRONMENT /beginning INFO-CLASSES init, calling MAKE-HASH-TABLE /done with MAKE-HASH-TABLE in INFO-CLASSES init internal error #29 SC: 14, Offset: 2 0x7fbfffe980: even fixnum: 137170516576 SC: 14, Offset: 0 0x7fbfffe980: even fixnum: 137170516576 fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 27877:

The error is "object not type". The location is somewhere in 0x0B204C10: SB!IMPL::EQL-HASH #X0B204BF9

The previous error was a vop that was multiplying by 4 that should have been 8. Yay hard-coded constants.