diary at Telent Netowrks

This is not for universal distribution yet, but I'm sure my readership#

Fri, 05 Mar 2004 19:20:35 +0000

This is not for universal distribution yet, but I'm sure my readership is sufficiently short of universal (and, I like to imagine, a civilised, well-mannered subset of the universe that is prepared to tolerate a degree of unfinishedness and consider ideas on their merits instead of rejecting them out of hand on the basis of an ill-thought-out emotional response) that nothing bad will happen if I tell you guys what I've been doing lately.

(Yes, it is legal. Well, what I'm about to talk about is legal. I'm not sure that the rollerblading in bus lanes which I have also been doing lately is likewise legal, but that's not germane as I'm not about to talk about that)

So, this is not an announcement of The cirCLe Project Version 2 - whose goal is to produce the cirCLe distribution, version 0 - but you might want to take a look anyway.