diary at Telent Netowrks

This entry is more in the nature of "hello, I'm still alive" than#

Sat, 28 Feb 2004 00:09:05 +0000

This entry is more in the nature of "hello, I'm still alive" than "hey, see the cool stuff I've hacked on lately". I suspect that you're not so interested in the news that I think I've optimised my route for skating from Baker St to the office (one way systems are involved; the return journey still needs some work).

In no particular order

Installing SBCL on my work machine provided an illustration of just how far we've come lately. Untar and install sbcl then

and I have graphics, sockets, and database connectivity. McCLIM took a little longer, but it was still pretty straightforward. All told, it took me less time to get lisp-based web serving environment up than it did to install coldfusion, and that's a real commercial product. (Actually, it took less time to install the lisp-based web serving environment than it did just to unpack coldfusion, and it eats less ram, too)