diary at Telent Netowrks

Note for SLIME 1.0 users about indentation: you need cl-indent#

Sat, 06 Nov 2004 16:18:34 +0000

Note for SLIME 1.0 users about indentation: you need cl-indent.

I don't see this anywhere obvious in the manual, but the much-vaunted (does that mean what I think it means?) autosensing macro indentation works in conjunction with cl-indent instead of replacing it. In particular it doesn't know how to indent anything in the COMMON-LISP package. For a long time I hadn't noticed this because I have piles of miscellaneous rubbish in my .emacs that go back years (maybe even decades) and cl-indent happened to be in there. When I set up my amd64 box I decided to decruftify a little and that was one of the casualties.

To fix: put this in your .emacs or wherever

;; (load "cl-indent") ; contrary to my earlier instruction, 
                      ; require doesn't work, and
                      ; load isn't needed
(setq lisp-indent-function 'common-lisp-indent-function)