One google search I wish I'd done a few days ago is for "dabs#
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 01:57:35 +0000
One google search I wish I'd done a few days ago is for "dabs returns". Now I have to attempt to get my refund or replacement item from a company that has (a) no customer service telephone number, (b) an average 1-2 day turnaround on email: I'm not expecting this to get resolved soon.
Off to Paris tomorrow (work trip). I was somewhat annoyed when this trip was arranged as it didn't involve a Friday away, hence no opportunity for Pari Roller. Every cloud etc etc though: but I tried my skates on yesterday and got about ten feet across the carpet before deciding that it was too painful still to be entirely a sane idea - so, maybe that's not so bad. Normal walking around is now pretty much fine, but the boot presses into my leg exactly where the sore spots are (this is probably not a coincidence) making any robust attempt at a sideways push into an exercise in ocular irrigation.