diary at Telent Netowrks

I feel like I should be feeling happier about this than I am, but#

Thu, 03 Apr 2003 18:21:23 +0000

I feel like I should be feeling happier about this than I am, but it's worth noting anyway: SBCL thread support has landed in CVS HEAD. It's not enabled by default: you have to create/edit a customize-target-features.lisp file before building

:; cat customize-target-features.lisp
(LAMBDA (LIST) (cons :sb-thread list)) 

In the process I broken all the non-x86 ports, but a further commit fixing the worst of that will be forthcoming as soon as the PPC has finished building it.

I don't know why it feels like a complete anticlimax though. Maybe I need more coffee.

Anyway, feedback (preferably accompanied by bug fixes) to sbcl-devel grudgingly accepted.