diary at Telent Netowrks

I'm not sure exactly what to write here, but I feel an urge to whinge#

Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:33:01 +0000

I'm not sure exactly what to write here, but I feel an urge to whinge a bit about the IT job market in the UK right now. Translations:

If they say Unix, they mean enterprise or ISP sysadmin experience: Veritas, EMC, clustering, etc.

If they say C, they mean embedded or they mean C++.

If they say OOD, they also mean C++.

If they say threads, they mean pthreads.

If they say Java, they mean J2EE.

If they say Perl, they mean entry level.

I don't think anyone has said Lisp yet, but when they do, they mean AI.

Do I sound bitter? Very well, then, I sound bitter.