What I miss most about Lisp#
Sat, 30 Apr 2011 23:23:33 +0000
It's been three months since I wrote anything longer than one line in
Lisp, and over a year since I wrote more than a screenful of the
What I miss most is not CLOS or the REPL or even macros (per se,
anyway). It's
- the distinction between READ and EVAL: a sane syntax for
constructing complex data structures that look like code, but
without actually having the data structures in question interpreted
- and backtraces with the values of function parameters in them. When
you're doing the same thing 1000 times to different database rows or
objects in a collection, and one of them has a
in it
somewhere, it would be really nice to know which one.
And maybe the REPL (although irb does most of that). And kinda sorta
Defsystem, but I seem to be in the process of
reimplementing that ...
But I hope soon to get Rubinius installed, just because I still have
the irrational opinion that a grown-up programming language ought to
be able to implement itself (and I have a thing for native code) so
project 1 there is to see if I can hack the backtrace thingy at least
into it.
I did it my way#
Sun, 01 May 2011 11:50:35 +0000
tweet. telent_net 63709899460321280 short unoriginal observation on ruby blogging engines: quicker to write your own than evaluate all the other poorly documented ones
tweet. telent_net 63710033904549888 ... this observation only holds if you skimp on the documentation of course. which is where we came in
If you can see this, you can see my blog design all changed again.
This time it's a Ruby Sinatra application
(whence the name my-way running on
thin-prefork which keeps the article texts in git and uses RedCloth
plus some ugly regexps to turn them into HTML. The Markdown vs
Textile decision is not an especially interesting one in the first
place, but gets a lot easier still when you have something like 9
years worth of previous articles in Textile format.
Publishing is achieved by pushing to a git repository on the live
machine (a Bytemark vm). A post-update
hook in the remote repository is responsible for checking out the
updated commit (git doesn't like pushing to non-bare repositories) and
sending SIGHUP
to the running instance of my-way which causes it to
reindex files.
- !/bin/sh
GITWORKTREE=/home/dan/src/git/my-way git checkout -f
kill -1 `cat /tmp/my-way.pid`
The version of my-way on github lags the actual version slightly,
because I need to separate the engine from the articles and from the
config data (there are things like adsense subscriber id, flickr api
keys, etc) before I push the latter to a public service. Will clean it
up in the next few days.
And my apologies to RSS feed subscribers. I've finally dropped the
prefix on the URL for this blog, and the old RSS feed didn't
use GUIDs and I'm too lazy to make the new one do so either, so the
upshot is you just got the ten most recent articles in your feed
again. Sorry.
Introducing Projectr#
Mon, 02 May 2011 10:39:18 +0000
Why might you want to know the names of all the files in your project?
One might turn the question around and ask why would you possibly
would not want to, but maybe that's not a constructive dialogue. So
let's list some use cases
- to load them into your application
- to load them into irb for debugging or for help in constructing test cases
- to process them through rdoc
- to put them in a gem
- to print them (don't laugh, I did that the other day when I was having trouble deciding how to refactor a bunch of stuff)
As far as I can see from my survey of the Ruby world, the current
practices for each of these use cases are pretty ad hoc. Maybe you
write a file full of require
or require_relative
statements (as
the RBP
author likes to do), maybe you use a glob, maybe you write a MANIFEST
file, but there seems to be a significant lack of DRYness about it
all. This led me to think there is a gap in the market for
- a language for describing the files that a project comprises
- some tools to interrogate a project description written in this form
and find out what's in it
- some code to load them into a running interpreter - and for bonus
points, when files have previously been loaded into said image but
since changed on disk, to reload them. This could be used in irb
sessions, or could form the basis of a development-oriented web
server that reloads changed files without needing to be stopped and
started all the time
Note that item 3 above gives us something that "file containing list
of require
statements" doesn't, because it allows us to reload
files that we've already seen instead of just saying "meh, seen it
already". If you're using a comparatively low-powered machine then
reloading your entire app in irb every time you change a method
definition is unnecessarily and obviously slow. If you're also using
Bundler (which I rather like now i's settled down a bit, and will
write more about in a future entry) then the additional bundle exec
is not just slow, it's SLow with a capital S and a capital L and a
pulsating ever-growing O that rules from the centre of the underworld.
Here's one I made earlier
Projectr::Project.new :test do
# directories may be named by symbols or strings
directory :example do
#as may files
file "file1"
file :file2
directory "subdir" do
file :subdir_file
- and again
h.load! # nothing happens this time
- touch example/file1.rb
h.load! # loads only the changed file
At the time of writing this, the
github version does about that much, but
is quite clearly still version 0. Stuff I am still thinking about:
- Load-order dependencies. Lisp programmers may recognise that
Projectr was inspired by using (and indeed implementing a version
of) defsystem
(or more recently
but Projectr is almost minimally featured compared to any of the
Lisp-based defsystem facilities. Many of those features I don't
have any strong evidence that the Ruby world would find use for, but
load-order dependencies allow us to say for example that if file A
defines a DSL and files B and C use that DSL, changing A should make
the computer reload B and C as well
- It seems clear to me that defining a project and loading it are two
separate operations - you may wish instead to define it and then
generate a Gemspec, for example - but there's still a lot of verbiage in
the common case that you do want to load it, and I haven't really found
file layout and naming conventions that I feel good about
- likewise, what happens when we redefine the project itself (as would
happen if we want to add a file to it, for example) is slightly up
for grabs. Should the project definition file be considered a part
of the project?
I will doubtless form my own opinions on all of these issues in time
and with more experience of using this tool in practice, but feedback
on them and on the general approach is warmly welcomed.
Fork, clone, spindle, mutilate
Preforking multi-process Sinatra serving (with Sequel)#
Tue, 03 May 2011 16:11:12 +0000
Picture the scene. I have a largish Ruby web application (actually, a
combination of several apps, all based on Sinatra, sharing a model
layer, and tied together with Rack::URLMap), and I want a better way
of reloading it on my development laptop when the files comprising it
At the same time, I have a largish Ruby web application (etc etc) and
I wanted a better way of running several instances of it on the same
machine on different ports, because running a one-request-at-a-time
web server in production is not especially prudent if you can't
guarantee that (a) it will always generate a response very very
quickly, and (b) there is no way that slow clients can stall it. So,
I needed something like the
command, but with more hooks to do stuff at worker startup time that I
need to do but won't bore you with.
And in the what-the-hell-why-not department I see no good reason that
I shouldn't be using the same code in development as is running in
production and plenty of good reasons that I should. And a program
that basically fork()
s three times (for user-specified values of
three) can't be that hard to write, can it?
Version 0 of "thin-prefork" kind of escaped onto
github and contains the germ
of a good idea plus two big problems and an exceedingly boring name.
What's good about it? It consists of a parent process and some
workers that are started by fork()
. There is a protocol for the
master to send control messages to the workers over a socket (start,
stop, reload, and basically whatever else you decide), and you
subclass the Worker to implement these commands. This was found to be
necessary, because version -1 used
signals between parent and child, and it was found eventually and
empirically that EventMachine (or thin, or something else somewhere in
the stack) likes to install signal handlers that overwrote the ones I
was depending on. And at that point I had two commands which each
needed a signal and in accordance with the Zero-One-Infinity
Rule I could easily
foresee a future in which I would run out of spare Unix signals.
What's not so good? Reloading - ironically, the whole reason we set
out to write the thing. Reloading is implemented by having the master
send a control message to the children, and the children then reload
themselves (using Projectr
or however else you want to). But when
you have 300MB x n children to reload you'd much rather do the
reload once in the parent and then kill and respawn the kids than you
would have each of the kids go off and do it themselves - that way
lies Thrash City, which is a better place for skateboarders than
servers. (This would also be a bad thing for sharing pages between
parent and child, but I am informed by someone who sounded
convincingly knowledgeable that the garbage collector in MRI writes
into pretty much every page anyway thus spitting all over
COW so this turns out
not to be a concern at present. But someday, maybe - and in the
meantime it's still kinda ugly)
What's also not so good is that the interaction between "baked in"
stuff that needs to happen for some actions - like "quit" - and
user-specified customizations is kind of fuzzy and it's not presently
at all obvious if, for example, a worker subclass command should call
: if you want to do somewthing before quitting, then obviously
you should then hand off to the superclass to actually exit, but if
you want to define a reload handler then you don't want to call a
non-existent superclass method when you're done. But how do you know
it doesn't exist? Your worker might be based off another
customisation that does want to do something important at reload
time. So it's back to the drawing board to work out the protocol
there, though rereading what I've just written it sounds like I should
make a distinction between notifiers and command implementations -
"tell me when X is happening because I need to do something" vs
"this is the code you should run to implement X".
And why does the post title namecheck Sequel? Because my experience
with other platforms is that holding database handles open across a
call can be somewhat fraught
and I wanted somewhere to document everything I know about how Sequel handles this
Sinatra and the class/instance distinction#
Wed, 04 May 2011 13:39:05 +0000
The Sinatra microframework is described as enabling "Classy Web
Development", and it turns out this is more literally true than I
previously thought.
The Rack Specification says
A Rack application is an Ruby object (not a class) that responds
to call. It takes exactly one argument, the environment and returns an
Array of exactly three values: The status, the headers, and the body.
(emphasis mine). When you write a Sinatra app, though, it seems to
want a class: whether you call MyApp.run!
directly (we assume
throughout this post that MyApp is a Sinatra::Base subclass) or use a
config.ru or any other way
to start the app running, there is a conspicuous lack of MyApp.new
anywhere around. Yet the Rack spec says an app is an instance.
At first I thought I was being silly or didn't understand how Rack
works or had in general just misunderstood something, but it turns out
not. Some ferretting through Sinatra source code is needed to see how
it does this, but the bottom line is that MyApp has a class method
MyApp.call which rack invokes, and this delegates to (after first, if
necessary, instantiating) a singleton instance of MyApp stored in the
field. I am not at all sure why they did this. It may
just be a hangover from Sinatra's heritage and this stuff came along
for the ride when Sinatra::Base was factored out of the
Sinatra::Application classic app support. Or they may have a
perfectly good reason (this is the hypothesis I am leaning towards and
I suspect that "Rack middleware pipelines" is that reason). For my
purposes currently it's probably sufficient to know that they do it
without needing to know why, and that I should stop trying to write
Sinatra::Base subclasses which takes extra parameters to new
:; irb -r sinatra/base
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > class MyApp < Sinatra::Base ; end
=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > MyApp.respond_to?(:call)
=> true
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > begin; MyApp.call({}); rescue Exception => e ;nil;end
=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > MyApp.prototype.class
=> Sinatra::ShowExceptions
Ta, and with emphasis, da! (The begin/end around MyApp.call is
because for the purpose of this example I am too lazy to craft a
legitimate rack environment argument and just want to demonstrate that
is created. And we should not be surprised that the
prototype's class is not the same class as we created, because there is
middleware chained to it. In summary, this example may be more
confusing in its incidentals than it is illuminating in its
essentials. Oh well)
HTC Desire S, unlocked, new, £359#
Mon, 09 May 2011 15:06:27 +0000
No, I'm not selling it at that price. I just bought it at that price.
Amazon and Handtec are both advertising it at about £371 and other
well-known online retailer (expansys, etc) at even more: what I did
was notice that the O2 Store sell it for £349 plus £10 topup, and that
Carphone Warehouse have recently introduced a Network Price Promise so
even though their advertised price for the same phone and tariff is
£399 they will give it to you for the £359 price if you insist. And
because it's CPW and not a tied shop, they will (well, most probably
will, and certainly did in my case) give you the unlocked and
unbranded handset. In fairness I should say I don't know whether the
handset in the O2 store would have been locked or not.
I've only had a few minutes to play with the phone so far so haven't
formed a strong opinion (HTC Sense may have to go ...) on it yet, but
it's already very clearly an upgrade from my really rather elderly
T-Mobile G1
Testing a monolithic app - how not to#
Wed, 11 May 2011 16:56:25 +0000
In the process of redesiging the interfaces to
I thought that if it's going to be a design not a doodle I'd try to do
it the TDD way and add some of that rspec goodness.
I'm not so proud of what I ended up with
There are a number of issues with this code that are all kind of
overlapped and linked with each other, and this post is, unless it
sits as a draft for considerably longer than I intended to spend on
it, going to be kind of inchoate because all I really plan to do is
list them in the order they occur to me.
- The first and most obvious hurdle is that once you call
, the
server process and its kids go off and don't come back: in
real-world use, any interaction you might have with it after that is
driven by external events (such as signals). In testing, we have to
control the external environment of the server to give it the right
stimuli at the right time, then we need some way to look inside it
and see how it reacts. So we fork and run it in a child process.
(Just to remind you, thin-prefork is a forking server, so we now
have a parent and a child and some grandchildren.) This is messy
already and leads to heuristics and potential race conditions: for
example, there is a sleep 2
after the fork, which we hope is long
enough for it to be ready after we fork it, but is sure to fail
somewhere and to be annoyingly and unnecessarily long somewhere else
especially as the number of tests grows.
- We make some effort to kill the server off when we're done, but it's
not robust: if the interpreter dies, for example, we may end up with
random grandchild processes lying around and listening to TCP ports,
and that means that future runs fail too.
- Binding a socket to a particular interface is (in Unix-land) pretty
portable. Determining what interfaces are available to bind to,
less so. I rely on there most likely being a working loopback and
hope that there is additionally another interface on which packets
can be routed. I'm sure that's not always true, but
it;'ll have to do for now. (Once again I am indebted to coderr's
neat trick for getting the local IP
- and no, gethostbyname(gethostname())
doesn't work on a mobile or
a badly-configured system where the hostname may be an alias for in /etc/hosts/
- We need the test stanzas (running in the parent code) somehow to call
arbitrary methods on the server object (which exists in the child).
I know, we'll make our helper method
accept a block
and install another signal handler in the child which yields
it. Ugh
- We needed a way to determine whether child processes have run the
correct code for the commands we're testing on them. Best idea I came
up with was to have the command implementation and hook code set
global variables, then do HTTP requests to the children which serve
the value of those global variables. I'm sort of pleased with this.
In a way.
Overall I think the process has been useful, but the end result
feels brittle, it's taken nearly as long as the code did to write, and
it's still not giving me the confidence to refactor (or indeed to
rewrite) blindly that all the TDD/BDD advocates promote as the raison
The brighter news is, perhaps, that I'm a lot more comfortable about
the hook/event protocol this time round. There are still bits that
need filling in, but have a look at
and module TestKidHooks
for the worker lifecycle hooks, and then at
the modules with names starting @Test...@ for the nucleus of how to
add a custom command.
Desire S: don't#
Sun, 15 May 2011 14:10:27 +0000
If I had known a week ago about the lengths to which HTC are now going
to prevent people from using their phones, I would have bought some
other phone (like maybe the the LG Optimus 2X) instead - and if you
are the kind of person who prefers to choose your own software than to
let device manufacturers and mobile phone networks do it for you, I
would recommend that you don't buy it either.
That's right, as far as I can determine it's not (currently, at least)
rootable. Finding this out is made harder than it needs to be because
for any conceivable relevant search term, Google seems to prefer the
xda-dev forum - by volume, 98% composed of script kiddies saying "OMG
LOLZ" - over any results from people who know what they're talking
about. But here's the summary:
- as delivered, there is no root access. Well, so far so perfectly
- there are a couple of promising-sounding exploits which work on
other similar devices. The
exploit - or at least the binary copy of psneuter of unknown
provenance that I downlaoded from some ad-filled binaries site -
doesn't work, erroring out with
failed to set prot mask
though, will get you a root shell. Or at least it will if you get
the original version that runs from the command line and not the APK
packaged version that a third party has created for the benefit of
xda-dev forum users.
- the problem is that GingerBreak works by exploiting bugs in
and as the side-effect is to render vold unusable, you can't get
access to your sd card after running it. So, you think, "no
problem, I'll remount /system
as writable and install su
or some
setuid backdoor program that will let me back in". This doesn't
work although it looks like it did
right up until you reboot and notice your new binary has
- (incidentally, if you run GingerBreak again after rebooting the phone
and it fails, it's because you need to remove
by hand.)
- The explanation for this freakiness is that
is mounted
from an eMMC filesystem which is hardware write-protected in early
boot (before the Linux kernel starts up) but Linux doesn't know
this, so the changes you make to it are cached by the kernel but
don't get flushed. There is a kernel module called
designed for the G2/Desire Z whih attempts to remove the
write-protect flag by power-cycling the eMMC controller, but it
appears that HTC have somehow plugged this bug on the Desire S. For
completeness sake, I should add that every other mounted partition
has noexec
and/or nosuid
settings, so /system
is the only
possible place to put the backdoor command.
- Um.
Avenues to explore right now: (1) the write-protect-at-boot behaviour
is apparently governed by a "secu flag" which defaults to S-ON on
retail devices but can be toggled to S-OFF using a hardware device
called the "XTC Clip", available in some phone unlocking shops. (2)
Perhaps it is possible to become root without calling setuid
installing an APK containing a started-on-boot service and hacking
so that the service launches with uid
0. (3) wait and see if anyone else has any good ideas. (4)
study the Carphone Warehouse web site carefully and see if they have
an option to return the phone for exchange, bearing in mind that I've
been using it for seven days. Obviously those last two options are
mutually incompatible.
Summary of the summary: HTC, you suck.
Incidentally, if you want to build the wpthis module for yourself
there's not a lot of useful documentation on building Android kernels
(or modules for them) for devices: everything refers to a page on
sources.google.com which appears to be 404. The short answers: first,
the gcc 4.4.0 cross-compiler toolchain is in the NDK; second, the kernel
source that corresponds to the on-device binary, at the time I write
this, can be had from
(linked from ); third,
doesn't compile cleanly anyway:
you'll need to scatter #include
around a bit and to
copy/paste the definition of mmc_delay
Incidentally (2): has lots of
interesting stuff.
At this point, though, my advice remains that you should buy a
different phone. Even if this one is rooted eventually (and I
certainly hope it will be), HTC have deliberately made it more
difficult than it needs to and why reward that kind of anti-social
Just forking around (ANN think-refork 0.03, still not ready)#
Fri, 20 May 2011 14:04:41 +0000
I landed my big Thin::Prefork refactor. As previous blog
have hinted, this one is a bit less handwavey about what calls what in
the implementation or customization of a command, and it also does
reloads in a way that would take advantage of COW if we were using a
Ruby implementation that allowed COW. The rspeccage is even uglier now
than it previously was, but has actually helped to expose the existence of a bug. And just after admiring git merge
and pushing the whole ting to github I realised there is
about the
Give me back my event loop#
Fri, 20 May 2011 14:19:57 +0000
My new phone has now been emancipated, thanks in part to
Atheer-pronounced-Arthur (or possibly vice versa) at the "Root"
internet cafe on Edgware Road. They have an XTC Clip and he was able
to do the S-OFF thing for me in about ten minutes and for the princely
sum of £10. Recommended. I have been looking at AOSP build
instructions, but actually doing the build and flashing the phone with
a nice clean 2.3.4 Sense-free system will have to wait until I can
devote a few more mental cycles to it.
In between the distractions of Shiny
Toy! I have been working on
the projectr/thin-prefork pair - I am still reasonably convinced that
they should be independent modules, though as I always seem to end up
hacking on both at once I worry about the degree of coupling between
them - to impose some sense on the interface for extending the
thin-prefork server. Which I think is 80% there, but this morning I
thought it was 100% there until I started trying to use it for real, so
that's a little bit annoying.
Which brings us to the rant/plea for today, as indicated in the title.
Hands off my event loop! I'm sure
I've said already this in other contexts
and with regard to other platforms, but: I am not going to devote my
process to call Oojimaflip.run!
when there are other things it
should be doing concurrently with watching for Oojimaflips, and I see
no reason either to start a new thread (or process) exclusively for
your use when you could have just written a method that says whether
there are fresh oojimaflips and another to say what they are.
I am prompted to say this by
rb-inotify which is a (quite
nicely written) wrapper around some kernel functionality that
communicates via a file descriptor. I'd like a wrapper like this to
(1) give me the file descriptor so I can call Kernel.select
on it,
along with all the other files I'm looking at; (2) give me a method
which I will call when select
says the fd is ready to read, which
will read them and (3) digest them into beautiful Ruby-friendly Event
objects. What I've got is about two out of three (good odds if you're
Meatloaf): there is a public method #to_io
whose return value I can
plug into select
, there are beautiful Ruby-friendly Event objects,
but to get those objects, unless I'm overlooking something (and I
don't mean that to sound passive-aggressive), I have to run one
cycle of the rb-inotify event loop: call the #process
method which
calls my callback once per event, which has to find somewhere to store
the events it's passed, and then check the stored events when control
eventually unwinds from #process
and returns to me.
I'm actually being a bit harsh here, because the event-parsing code is
there in the internals and not hard to grab. In the basement lavatory
behind the "beware of the leopard" sign, I find a method called
, which if you don't mind calling undocumented code can
be used something like this.
The preceding call to select
would be better replaced by some code
to put the file into non-blocking mode, but that's a refinement that
can wait for another time.
I have opened an issue
on github saying something similar, which I expect is far more likely
to have a useful effect than posting on this obscure blog. But, yeah,
I like ranting.
Bullet time#
Sat, 28 May 2011 21:41:16 +0000
Short bits
- HTC have apparently reversed their policy on locking their phone
bootloaders - i.e. in future, they say they won't do it any more. I
find it interesting that LWN have reported this as "The CEO of HTC
has seemingly posted on Facebook that its phones will not be locked
down" whereas every other report I've seen has assumed it's real,
and only LWN have thought to wonder if Facebook really is an
official HTC communication channel. Anyway, if it does prove to be true
(I hope so) I will be reversing my previous recommendation against
buying their phones
- Here is a real working example
(indeed, the primary use case) for use of thin-prefork. This blog
is already running on it, and as of Tuesday so will be $WORK. And
then maybe I can get back to some actual work. Hurrah.
- Once having done that, you will then find that
requires Tmail, which has trouble with Ruby
1.9, and then you will find that the mail it sends you is not laid
in any order you might reasonably hope for - the errant URL is
buried two thirds of the way down - and eventually you will decide
that you might as well just copy the entire file into your own code
and edit it for your requirements. Which is what I did. There's a
ticket to fix the
Tmail dependency: apparently porting it to the newer
Mail gem is a non-starter due to
its needing activesupport, but it appears that recent versions of
Mail no longer need activesupport anyway, so maybe that decision
can now be revisited.