diary at Telent Netowrks

Editing on both CLiki and the ALU Wiki is temporarily disabled#

Wed, 10 Dec 2003 15:07:16 +0000

Editing on both CLiki and the ALU Wiki is temporarily disabled. There's not a lot to say about the combination of intelligence and social skills that must be involved in defacing a world-writable web site, so I'll let it rest.

Not a lot of free stuff hacking lately. I've been working on Stargreen and thinking about testing. Which developed into thinking about completely redesigning the underneath of Araneida to separate request and response so that it could sensibly support an HTTP client as well as a server. Which stopped developing when I realised that most of it is presently, right now, YAGNI.

Then yesterday was divided more or less equally between travelling to Manchester and travelling back from Manchester; the intervening period spent doing a written Perl test (and swearing at MS Word, which is not my idea of the world's best Perl editor, really). Manchester quite nice but not a lot of free time to explore - spent most of it in Waterstones reading about truss rods.