diary at Telent Netowrks

The new version of trivial-sockets is almost exactly like the previous#

Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:26:18 +0000

The new version of trivial-sockets is almost exactly like the previous one. In fact the only differences are

I was going to do some more stuff to it: I looked at the patches on http://www.cliki.net/trivial-sockets?v=18 and found that one of them involves an API change and the other doesn't work (at least, ext:accept-tcp-connection doesn't work on udp sockets on my cmucl installation, and I don't expect it would generally). So, as this is all a distraction from what I'm actually supposed to be doing anyway, I put them aside for another time.

The package will appear on cclan nodes as soon as I remember how to do that packaging thang.

I am the world's biggest plist fan#

Tue, 28 Feb 2006 22:12:29 +0000

I am the world's biggest plist fan. Possibly. Anyway, as part of the same tidying up process that led to the release of trivial-sockets 0.3, also new to the world but not to me is net-telent-date 0.42, which has the additional function decode-universal-time/plist. Just because I can't always remember the order of the values in a decoded universal-time (and sometimes you just want the month and year anyway).

(let ((dt (net.telent.date:decode-universal-time/plist (get-universal-time))))
  (format nil "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D ~D/~D/~D"
	  (ref dt :hour) (ref dt :minute) (ref dt :second)
	  (ref dt :year) (ref dt :month) (ref dt :day)))
=> "22:19:16 2006/2/28"
[ Please see also my previous apology for the name of this package ]